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The Torah of Place: Theological Reflection as if Rural Renewal Mattered

August 11, 2017 - Comment

Many people assume that the best scholarship and social engagement are taking place in urban centers. The only hope for the simple folk in rural regions is if they will receive the enlightened instructions from urban universities and seminaries. It is rarely considered that people in rural America have unique insights that can expand and

Many people assume that the best scholarship and social engagement are taking place in urban centers. The only hope for the simple folk in rural regions is if they will receive the enlightened instructions from urban universities and seminaries. It is rarely considered that people in rural America have unique insights that can expand and enrich the practice of theological reflection and ethical discernment. This little book provides an alternative view, one in which people in rural places have a privileged position in theological construction because the shape of their lives is closer to the original authors and audiences of the Bible. The book interacts with ecological and agrarians thinkers, as well as the author’s own spiritual journey, to invite readers into a fresh and full practice of theological reflection on God, family, nature, agriculture, and more. The writing is rich but accessible; you can easily finish it in one setting but the insights will keep you thinking and deepening your practice. Of particular interest is the author’s original concept of the “Torah of place.”


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