Detail Geography of Space: Solved Secrets of Universe by Sankhya Philosophy
Scientists doesn’t have answers to some all time mysteries of science like why quantum particles shows dual nature and uncertainty, how black hole created in space, why we can only feel presence of dark matter and dark energy but unable to locate them in universe, why amount of matter and anti matter is differ in
Scientists doesn’t have answers to some all time mysteries of science like why quantum particles shows dual nature and uncertainty, how black hole created in space, why we can only feel presence of dark matter and dark energy but unable to locate them in universe, why amount of matter and anti matter is differ in our universe, is time travel possible?, what is Higg boson, there composition and how they give masses to other particles?, can teleportation is possible? Can life at other planets possible? And many more unsolved problems of physics are solved only by a simple old Hindu philosophy called ‘Sankhya Philosophy’ or Philosophy of evaluation of elements. Yes a Philosophy which is based on three properties of nature called Sattwa (goodness), Rajas (Activity) and Tamas (Inertia) are reason behind all unexplained scenarios of science. is quest of unify theory of anything finally solved?